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Read about Imuran.

Rheumatologists use Imuran to treat (Systemic Lupus Erythematosus).as well as other types of arthritis and rheumatic diseases.

Allopurinol (Zyloprim) that is used for treating increased blood levels of uric acid and preventing gout increases azathioprine levels in the blood which may increase the risk of side effects from azathioprine. is important to reduce the dose of azathioprine by approximately 1/imuran azathioprine price to 1/4 in patients taking allopurinol. The use of angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors imuran azathioprine price control high blood pressure in patients taking azathioprine has been reported to induce anemia (low levels of red blood cells) and severe leukopenia (low levels of white blood cells). Azathioprine reduces blood levels of the blood thinner.warfarin (Coumadin).and thus may reduce the blood thinning effect of warfarin.Imuran (azathioprine) is a cytotoxic (cell-killing) compound approved by the U.Imuran azathioprine price. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and used to treat sarcoidosis in patients who are resistant to or cannot tolerate steroid treatments.

Severe leukopenia.thrombocytopenia.anemias including macrocytic anemia.and/or pancytopenia may occur in patients being treated with IMURAN. Severe bone marrow suppression may also occur. Patients with intermediate thiopurine S-methyl transferase (TPMT) activity may be at an increased risk of myelotoxicity if receiving conventional doses of IMURAN. Patients with low or absent TPMT activity are at an increased risk of developing myelotoxicity if receiving conventional doses of IMURAN. TPMT genotyping or phenotyping can help identify patients who are at an increased risk for developing IMURAN toxicity. 2-9 (See PRECAUTIONS . Laboratory Tests ). Hematologic toxicities are dose-related and may be more severe in renal transplant patients whose homograft is undergoing rejection. It is suggested that patients on IMURAN have complete blood counts.including platelet counts.weekly during the first month.twice monthly for the second and third months of treatment.then monthly or more frequently if dosage alterations or other therapy changes are necessary. Delayed hematologic suppression may occur. Prompt reduction in dosage or temporary withdrawal imuran azathioprine price the drug may be necessary if there is a rapid fall in or persistently low leukocyte count.or other evidence of bone marrow depression. Leukopenia does not correlate with therapeutic effect. therefore the dose should not be increased intentionally to lower the white blood cell count.

Relatively oliguric patients.especially those with tubular necrosis in the immediate postcadaveric transplant period.may have delayed clearance of IMURAN or its metabolites.may be particularly sensitive to this drug.and are usually given lower doses.

WARNING. Long-term use of this medication increases the risk of developing neoplasias (cancerous or noncancerous growths). Azathioprine can also cause blood disorders (e.g..leukopenia). Immediately notify your doctor if you develop unusual growths.easy bruising or bleeding.or signs of infection such as persistent sore throat or fever.

Studies have shown that azathioprine can reduce the number of exacerbations in patients with relapsing MS. It also can reduce new MRI lesion formation in patients with MS. It is not FDA approved specifically for MS. Azathioprine might also be used with other disease-modifying therapies to boost their effect when necessary.

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