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Procardia regularly reduces arterial pressure at rest and at a given level of exercise by dilating peripheral arterioles and reducing the total peripheral resistance (afterload) against which the heart works. This unloading of the heart procardia xl 30 mg price myocardial energy consumption and oxygen requirements and probably accounts for the effectiveness of Procardia in chronic stable angina.

The precise means by which this inhibition relieves angina has not been fully determined.but includes at least the following two mechanisms.

Drug may cause interstitial pneumonitis. Though rare.interstitial changes have led to hospitalization and death postmarketing. Most cases occurred within first 3 months of therapy and reversed after drug was stopped. Obtain routine chest X-ray before starting treatment.and be prepared to obtain baseline pulmonary function tests if ordered. Instruct patient to report new or worsening shortness of breath. this symptom warrants immediate drug withdrawal pending evaluation.

Nifedipine is excreted in human breast milk. Generally.nifedipine is avoided in females who are nursing.

If your doctor prescribes a low-salt or low-sodium diet.follow these directions carefully.

Some tablet forms of nifedipine are made with a shell that is not absorbed or melted in the body. Part of the tablet shell may appear in your stool. This is a normal side effect of nifedipine and will not make the medication less effective.

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