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Information about Zantac.#H2#

A. Zantac (raniditine) is a medication that is used to treat various conditions of the esophagus and stomach.including acid reflux. Zantac is part of a group of medications call H2 blockers. There is a chemical called histamine.found in the stomach.that causes acid to be released. Zantac works by blocking the histamine in the stomach.reducing the amount of acid.and relieves your symptoms. The prescribing information on Zantac lists the following as the most common side effects of the medication. headache.constipation or diarrhea.upset stomach.stomach pain.and rash. There are some side effects that should be reported to your physician.if they occur.and include. confusion.agitation or hallucinations.depression.increased heart rate or decreased heart rate.yellowing of the skin or eyes.abdominal pain of the upper right side.and dark urine. The rare side effects of Zantac can include. dizziness.drowsiness .muscle or joint pain.blurred vision. There are how much zantac can i give my baby known long-term effects on the kidneys and liver with taking Zantac. There may be problems if you have a decreased function of these organs before taking the medication.but your physician would have taken this into account before prescribing the medication to you. For more specific information.consult with your doctor or pharmacist for guidance based on your health status and current medications.particularly before taking any action. Lori Poulin.PharmD.

A. Zantac (raniditine) is a medication that is used to treat various conditions of the esophagus and stomach.including acid reflux. Zantac is how much zantac can i give my baby of a group of medications call H2 blockers. There is a chemical called histamine.found in the stomach.that causes acid to be released. Zantac works by blocking the histamine in the stomach.reducing the amount of acid.and relieves your symptoms. The prescribing information on Zantac lists the following as the most how much zantac can i give my baby side effects of the medication. headache.constipation or diarrhea.upset stomach.stomach pain.and rash. There are some side effects that should be reported to your physician.if they occur.and include. confusion.agitation or hallucinations.depression.increased heart rate or decreased heart rate.yellowing of the skin or eyes.abdominal pain of the upper right side.and dark urine. The rare side effects of How much zantac can i give my baby can include. dizziness.drowsiness .muscle or joint pain.blurred vision. There are no known long-term effects on the kidneys and liver with taking Zantac. There may be problems if you have a decreased how much zantac can i give my baby of these organs before taking the medication.but your physician would have taken this into account before prescribing how much zantac can i give my baby medication to you. For more specific information.consult with your doctor or pharmacist for guidance based on your health status and current medications.particularly before taking any action. Lori How much zantac can i give my baby.PharmD.

Our Zantac Side Effects Drug Center provides a comprehensive view of available drug information on the potential side effects when taking this medication.

Intrinsic Factor. Oral ZANTAC has no significant effect on pentagastrin-stimulated intrinsic factor secretion.

It’s sometimes used to prevent stress ulcers.aspiration of stomach acid during anesthesia.and stomach damage caused by non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).

GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) is the upward movement of stomach content.including acid.into the esophagus and.

The drug is prescribed for conditions such as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).ulcers.Zollinger-Ellison syndrome.erosive esophagitis.upper gastrointestinal bleeding.heartburn.and other conditions where the stomach produces too much acid.

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